Sunday, October 3, 2021

Dr. Glazner's Research Project: Water Quality

 Library Standards:

Information Literacy
Engage in the information literacy process: access, evaluate, and use information and ideas.
  • Identify keywords and synonyms for topic searches
  • Create effective searches of print material by identifying appropriate keywords

Research Process
Plan strategies to utilize digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
Use a variety of skills and strategies to comprehend nonfiction and informational text.
Utilize digital tools and resources to investigate real-world issues, answer questions, or solve problems

Research Process BIG 6


What is the URL domain (.edu, .org, .gov, etc.)?
Who is the author? credible?
What is the purpose of the website?
What sites link to this page that builds credibility?
Is the information on the site current?

Reminder about plagiarism

Works Cited Document
  • EasyBib add-on for Google Docs to cite websites
  • Handouts from class have to be hand-typed like this
  • If you need to type out a citation for any other sources, go here