3rd, 4th and 5th Grade
Understand technology hardware and software system operations and their application
- Continue EasyTech Keyboarding: practice for accuracy and note words per minute typed
- Use Google Forms to vote for Colorado Children's Book Award nominees and analyze data
- Access Destiny Discover Chrome extension via Google search to find library books
Love of Reading
Reads for a variety of purposes and across content areas
Independently reads a significant number of books and texts each year (fiction, nonfiction, and variety of genres) - Vote for Colorado Children's Book Award
- Check-Out age appropriate reading material
Information Literacy
Engages in the information literacy process: accesses, evaluates, and communicates information & ideas
Utilizes digital tools and resources to investigate real-world issues, answer questions, or solve problemsUses technological resources to develop and refine questions for investigation
Uses a variety of skills and strategies to comprehend nonfiction and informational text
- Access High Plains Library District Databases: Access Science, Consumer Health Complete, World Book Online, Gale Virtual Reference Library