Monday, September 21, 2015

Elementary Lessons Week of September 21

K-Fifth Grade: 
Love of Reading: Evaluates grade appropriate quality children's literature.  
Task: Students check out books reflecting individual reading levels and interests.

Second-Fifth Grade: 
Technology: Keys letters and numbers at a productive speed. 
Task: EasyTech Lessons (Home Row, Upper Row, Lower Row, Shift Key, Numbers)
Second Grade
Information Literacy: Finds an internet site given the specific web address.
Task: AR HomeConnect and AR BookFind
Third Grade 
Information Literacy: Uses technological resources to develop and refine questions for investigation.
Task:Uses an online encyclopedia to find information. 

1. At the library web site
2. Click tab at the top of the page HIGH PLAINS LIBRARY DISTRICT  

3. Hover over ONLINE
4. Click Databases A to Z
5. Click World Book Kids

Fourth Grade
Information Literacy: Uses advanced features in library's online catalog for intended purposes. Identifies the importance of using search terms (keywords, title, author, series).  
Task: Locate books using Destiny Quest online.

Digital Citizenship: Shows others how to use new technologies, and use technology in ways that assist, rather than prevent others from learning.  
Fifth Grade: 
Technology: Utilizes Web 2.0 tools to collect data
Task:  Padlet